I’ll be talking about the construction and prediction of musical meaning, artificial intelligence and brands in popular music culture this Friday, November 13th at the 2019 Edition of Luxembourgs‘ Sonic Visions Music Lab. Check out the info on my keynote and the full program of the exciting conference. Also looking forward to participate in the panel Technology & Innovation X Creativity & Music entering the dialogue with industry executives.
Come by and say Hi!
++ August 2019 ++
I had the pleasure of speaking about next level music indexing at this year’s edition of the Wallifornia MusicTech summit taking place in Liège/Belgium in July. Together with Felix Haaksman of HearDis! i presented our novel and intelligent prediction and indexing system for sound recordings.
Pajaro Sunrise created a masterpiece of a soundtrack for the new road movie 4 Latas – i’m grateful being part of the project and having given it its final mastering touch.